Mr. Stillman's Opus

Do I Need a Trust?



We’re back once again with Tim Nordgren, an attorney at SchellBray in Chapel Hill, to talk more about estate planning. Today we want to address one of the most common questions that comes up during our planning meetings and that’s whether or not someone needs a trust. It seems like many people have been conditioned to think they need a trust, but that’s not always the case. To help us better understand some of the scenarios where a trust makes more sense than a will, Tim will take us through the key differences, which assets need to be covered, and the main benefits a trust provides.   Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode: Let’s first understand the different purposes for a will and a trust. Who would be the type of person who can do everything they need to do through a will. The different types of trusts and which assets are typically included in these. The key benefits the trust provides a person or family.   Connect with us:  Web: Phone: 919-391-34