Elite Expert Insider

Mastering Modern Advertising Strategies with Mary Ann Pruitt



Jenn Foster and Melanie Johnson co-owners of Elite Online Publishing, Interview Mary Ann Pruitt about the keys to crafting compelling video content, navigating the complexities of AI in marketing, and ensuring a memorable and valuable experience for your target audience. What You’ll Learn In This Episode: How to customize your advertising. How to diversify your advertising. How to leverage AI in marketing. Quotes: "Traditional marketing is not dead. We have to use each tactic and its strength, but we do have to start using them together. We have to look at the strengths in traditional, and the strengths in digital." (04:17) "Each generation consumes media differently, and also expects something different out of their media." (11:07) "We've been forward focused on AI for years, but I like to say human driven AI, because your AI is only as good as the information you're giving it." (17:16) About Mary Ann Pruitt: Mary Ann started her career in media by working as a senior sales executive for some of the nati