Learning Unboxed

006: Entrepreneurship in Education | with Kevin Gadd



Kevin Gadd is a serial entrepreneur (and self-identified serial learner), retired Air Force Chief, and the Ohio Program Manager for Apprenti. In this episode, Kevin helps us unbox the role of entrepreneurship in education and the intersection between teaching, learning, and work.The problem with entrepreneurship education is that, until very recently, we have been trying to teach entrepreneurship like math or history: we’d get an outdated book and put students in a class, then if we were getting ambitious, we might have them design a business plan using online software. It was nonfunctional, and it didn’t really match what happened in the real world.Programs like Apprenti, however, serve as a better model for entrepreneurship education. It is the nation’s first registered IT apprenticeship program, and its goal is to train future tech workers, with an emphasis on underrepresented groups including women, minorities, and veterans. Once trained, these new IT workers join a yearlong apprenticeship program to ensu