Learning Unboxed

015 | Energy Education: How to Create Opportunities for Problem-Based Learning in Classrooms | with Ryan Prestel & Kat Deaner



On Learning Unboxed, we like to share case studies of the projects and programs that are revolutionizing education; great new ideas that have already been tested, the lessons that we've learned along the way, and where there are opportunities for other communities to do similar things as they think about education. That’s why, today, we are excited to introduce you to Energy4Learning, a program that transforms school buildings into learning tools by leveraging real energy data to engage students in problem-based learning. Joining the show to teach us about this new program is Ryan Prestel and Kat Deaner. Ryan is the co-founder and CEO of JadeTrack, a cloud-based analytics platform powering some of the world’s most robust energy and sustainability programs. They empower stakeholders – and, for this program, students – to create impact by making complex energy usage data simple. Kat is PAST’s very own Director of School Design and Online Learning, and she leads all the efforts associated with school transfo