Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 10:32-45



Study/review questions for this week: 1-What very real reasons did the disciples have for being fearful? What very real reasons cause us to be fearful? 2-Jesus’ three predictions of his death in Mark 8-10 each had a different emphasis (its necessity, its certainty, and its immediacy). Why was each of these important? 3-How else was the prediction in 10:32-34 different from the previous two (8:31 & 9:31)? What can we deduce from this? 4-What seems to be the motivation behind James’ and John’s request? What is especially ironic about this? Do you think they are different from the other disciples in their mindset? 5-How does truly believing the words of the 23rd Psalm (“The Lord is my shepherd…”) combat fear and self-centeredness and free us up to live Christ-like lives? 6-In 1 John 3:2 we read, “Beloved, we are God’s children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.” Since transformation comes through seei