The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

532 The Leaders Three Big Roles



Leaders are different from managers.  Managers have to make sure everything is humming.  The quality standards have to be met.  The logistics have to flow smoothly, so that production is working well.  The budget has to be met and there should be no over spending taking place.  Leaders have to do all of this, plus two other key roles.  One is setting the direction and the other is developing the people.  This sounds fair enough, except that the roles described for the manager are a full time job and the leader’s bits and bobs are on top of that base.  Do leaders get more than 24 hours a day allotted to them unlike managers?  No, they get what we all get, yet somehow they have to accomplish all of these other tasks as well and this is where the problems start. What normally happens is that strategy setting is a once a year affair. In large companies, there is a lot of bureaucracy attached to the planning stage and this can occupy a lot of time, as the plan works its way up the chain of command, before it is ap