Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Anna Burns-Francis: United States Senate leader lends clout to cannabis legalization push



The Senate's top Democrat is backing a bill that would strike down a longstanding federal prohibition on marijuana, embracing a proposal that has slim chance of becoming law yet demonstrates growing public support  for decriminalizing the drug.Proposals to legalize marijuana are nothing new. But Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is a sponsor of the effort unveiled Wednesday, underscoring how a once-fringe idea is increasingly mainstream. The measure would erode a central pillar of the decades-long war on drugs, which has disproportionately affected communities of colour in the United States."I will use my clout as majority leader to make this a priority in the Senate," said Schumer, of New York, who is the first Senate leader to support such an effort. "It's not just an idea whose time has come, it's long overdue."The bill would treat marijuana much like alcohol or tobacco, allowing it to be taxed and regulated. States could still outlaw its use. And those under the age of 21 couldn't purchase it. It would