Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: Poll drop for Labour, more RSE workers for NZ



So, a poll comes out which sees Labour drop 10 points, and voila, seasonal workers are on their way back in.I'm not sure how much detail of what's in those polls gets given to the parties in advance, but we can assume based on what happened next, that Labour had the tip off on one particular question.The poll included a question about what more the Government could do.The answer to which was: loosen up the borders a bit, more exemptions for seasonal workers.And boom, look at that.An announcement rolled out yesterday that indeed they're welcoming them back in from Samoa and Tonga, seasonal workers.If that's what a 10 point drop in the polls can produce in 24 hours, what could a 20 point drop do?Would they vaccinate the entire country in a week?One thing we know this Government hates is flailing popularity.It's a government who has become accustomed to riding high in the polls, critics would argue the subsequent arrogance they're showing around this is actually going to be the undoing of them.So when some real