Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Tim Dower: Opening the borders is throwing the towel in on complete elimination



The Government's decision to start opening the border in the New Year is either a complete flip-flop or a deliberate tactic to scare us into getting vaccinated.For the past 18 months, the strategy has been to keep Covid out, whatever the cost.We've endured a total national lockdown, regional restrictions, worker shortages, family unable to come home and so on.And at the beginning, most of us were freaked out enough by what was happening overseas to go along with it.As time has gone on, people's willingness to go along with it has worn thin.We're over it.A lot of us will be very happy to see the borders opening, but the way it's come about seems bizarre.In one breath, you've got Chris Hipkins saying he hopes our Aussie mates - to quote him - get on top of their outbreak soon.But Hipkins doesn't expect to see the Aussie bubble operating again before the end of the year.Then you've got the PM saying we're opening to the world, people who've been vaccinated will be able to come and go pretty much as they please.A