Early Edition with Kate Hawkesby

Kate Hawkesby: I've got my Covid jab and I feel good about it



Got my jab yesterday.And here’s the rub on that.It was easy as.No queues, no faffing around, very efficient, very slick, very well organised.The jab itself is a non-event – and no one is more needle phobic than me, so if I didn’t feel it, you certainly won’t.I was, to be perfectly honest with you, vaccine hesitant.I felt like I was in no rush to get it, I didn’t need it, I thought it was too rushed of a vaccine, and I didn’t need that in my body.I’m into holistic healthcare and alternative medicine.My husband joked with me that what was I expecting to do when and if Covid hit me, was I just going to rub myself in orange peel, he asked.I’m not sure why he’d think that given I’ve never rubbed myself in orange peel, but I took his point.  I wasn’t anti-vax, I just wasn’t in any hurry.But then a few things dawned on me.Well firstly Delta hit Australia and I thought, wait a minute.This is not good.This is a bit close to home, this is a bit out of control.But also, I realised, getting vaccinated was not actually ex