You May Contribute A Verse

Let’s Get Nuts With Steph Lucianovic



This is You May Contribute A Verse!   I’m Brenna Jeanneret. Kidlit author, and co-host of this podcast, duh! I’m joined by my co-host, Josh Monken, kidlit author, dad, and science communicator. And Podcast Wizard Jon Seymour, an author-illustrator, family man, and data dude.    If you’re in the query trenches, if you’re hearing crickets on sub, if you just started, keep going. Steph’s book WHAT IS HOPE illustrated by Kelsey Buzzell drops today and is the perfect button for Steph’s opening point–writing takes time and it’s ok to take a break, sometimes a long break, writing will be here and so will hope.    Also, you’ll want to check Steph’s page to see Tara Hannon’s original illustrations that helped to inspire this beautiful and important book.    Our guest for this conversation was Steph Lucianovic. You can find Steph on Twitter. DON’T MISS AN EPISODE! Sign up for our newsletter here!  This episode’s book reviews: MINA by author-illustrator Matthew Forsythe THE ELDERS ARE WATCHING by David Bouchard illustra