Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

25. How to compete with online retailers


Sinopsis Get the full transcript here: SUMMARY Welcome and today we’re talking about how Salons can compete with online retailers. So today what I’ve got for you is seven strategies that I think can give your Salon a fighting chance. 1. We need to remove the ability to make a comparison. Online retailing only works if the customer is able to make a direct and immediate comparison. We can remove that ability to make a comparison then the online retailers don’t stand a chance. 2. Take away the choice for the customer. Reduce her ability to say no to take a product by including them in a service you offer. 3. Take away the choice as far as your staff is concerned. We have a Salon guarantee in place, so my team know they have to consistently talk about retail products. 4. See retail products as an overall project. When you’re seeing the product as an overall project