Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

31. How to set Targets for your Salon Team



Welcome, and today we’re talking about individual team member targets. What I’m going to share with you is three targets that I set my own team here, in my award winning Salon. Now it may well be that there are times when you need to add more targets, and that varies according with the performance of the employee and also the stage of the career they are at. It’s really important that your team know what’s expected of them. So these are the big three that I want to share with you: Average bill - Average bill or average ticket value is one of the most important key performance indicators or KPI’s in your Salon. An average bill covers an awful lot, so if you can see that someone’s average bill is very low, there are parts of her job that she’s just not doing. An average bill that’s on the increase indicates somebody who’s taking retail seriously or that’s also very good at selling additional products or services when somebody comes in to your Salon. So you want to see a nice high average bill, set a benchmark f