Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Setting Glorious Goals: How to set BRILLIANT targets when you're clueless



Hello there, fellow salon aficionados! In this episode, we're on a mission to demystify the concept of salon targets. I promise you, by the time you've listened to the end, you'll not only know where these targets come from, but also how to tailor them for your very own salon. But, hold on, we're not just talking business numbers here. This is about crafting achievable goals that sync perfectly with your personal dreams and ambitions. You see, your salon targets aren't isolated business aims. No, no, they're a mirror reflecting your life as a whole. But wait, there's more! We also peek into the future, discussing the importance of matching your business aspirations with your personal life. And because we value your input, we warmly invite you to suggest topics for upcoming episodes and fire away with your queries for our Q&A segment. If you're a bit shy, don't worry, we've got a channel for anonymous questions too. So, stay tuned for our next episode and brace yourself for a transformation, not just in yo