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Melissa Reyes Joins Win's women of wisdom E: 35 S: 2



Win's women of wisdom is underwritten by Self- Publishing, Writing Services On Win's Women of Wisdom today, Best-Selling Author, Win Kelly Charles welcomes Melissa Reyes. This blog is an opportunity for me to express myself creatively. This is a journal of hear experiences, and a place for her to connect with the people that Melissa meet along the way. Melissa’s vision is to help others, through friendship, guidance, coaching, consulting, and teaching while applying her gifts and talents in an effort to make a difference in our world. Melissa is learning new lessons all the time and experiencing new challenges along in her journey of life. She wish to share her insights and light the way for others. . .  in a fun and real way! Melissa do this by being open and accepting of all people and things that she encounter. She is always searching for new adventures. Melissa work full-time as an administrative assistant at a private middle school in sunny Southern California.