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Georgia London Joins Win's women of wisdom E: 41 S: 2



ekso email about ekso amanda@bridgingbionics.orgWebsite Win's women of wisdom  underwritten and Self- Publishing, Writing Serviceswin some media group   On Win's Women of Wisdom today, Best-Selling Author, Win Kelly Charles welcomes Georgia London. Georgia helps new business owners who need a “KICK in the pants” to get over their “I’m not good enough” story, recover from procrastination and perfectionism so they can create the passionate, purposeful and profitable business their soul is calling out for them to do. Entrepreneurs who are hiding their brilliance, she helps to step boldly into that brilliance and build a business of greatness. As a recovering psychologist of the Harvard Medical School, Georgia, became a serial entrepreneur and pioneered several very successful and highly profitable businesses from yoga studios and gymnastics schools to academic grant programs and counseling centers. She is the creator of ZENgevity I