Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Podcast Housekeeping: How to Craft the Perfect Podcast Description and Cover Art



When you open up Spotify or another preferred podcast app, what do you see?As a podcast host, you really want your show to stand out on these apps. But listeners have so many choices, even if they narrow things down with a search for a specific subject (unless it’s really, really niche). And the options can blend together.So how do you make sure your show doesn’t disappear in the crowd and get passed over? It starts with the first thing everyone sees: the cover art and description.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, you’ll learn about how to craft your show’s description and cover art so that it grabs the attention of those you want to find it. I’ll reveal how to update these podcast elements so that your show can reach the goals you desire.2:56 - The art of creating an attention-grabbing cover graphic for your podcast6:18 - Why I use an image of my face as part of the cover art for The More Profitable Podcast9:36 - Why it both DOES and DOESN’T matter what you say in your podcast description11:40