Mr. Stillman's Opus

Do I need life insurance after I retire?



The role of life insurance in retirement is something many people ask about. Do you still need to keep your policy now that your children are on their own and you’ve built a nice nest egg? While that’s true, life insurance might still be able to play a valuable role in your financial plan and we’ll tell you why in this episode.   John will run through the most common reasons people say they need life insurance and we’ll tell you which ones are legitimate. Things like covering final expenses and paying off debt are often on the list but what about using it for tax-free income or covering long-term care? We’ll discuss those and more on the show today.   Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this episode: The role life insurance often plays in retirement planning. You might be better off putting money for final expenses in a savings account rather than life insurance. What you own stands good against what you owe so using it for debt might not be necessary. Using it for tax advantages when passing along yo