Talking With Painters

Ep 72: The Sulman



Here's your guide to the paintings of the six podcast guests whose works were shortlisted in the 2019 Sir John Sulman prize. Go to episodes 73 and 74 for the Wynne and Archibald guides! Click here for an overview of how to use this guide Click here to see the Sir John Sulman finalist paintings. Feature photo: 'The first girl that knocked on his door' (detail) oil on canvas, 153 x 122.5cm, McLean Edwards, winner of the Sir John Sulman prize, 2019. Click on the artist's name below to hear their podcast interview and see the podcast video. The time marking shows where the artist's work is mentioned on the podcast and the number following the name is the number of the work in the AGNSW. 1:12___John Bokor (84) 3:37___Paul Ryan (104) 6:10___Ken Done (87) 8:00___McLean Edwards (winner) (88) 10:38__Alan Jones (91) 13:19__Abdul Abdullah (81)