Richard Levy's Podcast

How to Have a Good Day – Every Day!



Have you ever gone to bed angry or in a bad mood? Perhaps things didn’t go your way at work, you got in an argument, or you received an unexpected bill in the mail. For whatever reason, you had a BAD day. How about a GOOD day? A day when everything seems to be going your way! You received praise at work, you hit every green light on your drive, and the weather was perfect! It seems like good days and bad days are controlled by everything that happens around us. But what if that could all be changed, simply by controlling our own THOUGHTS? Tune into Wealthy Thoughts with Richard Levy on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 (11 a.m. PST, 1 p.m. CST, 2 p.m. EST) to learn how you can make every day not only a good one, but also a successful one, simply by transforming the way you think. Richard gives listeners easy tools and tips for combating the negativity that enters into our lives. Follow his simple rules, and make every day a wealthy one!