Tribe Byron Bay

Episode 149: Phil Mason - Missional Community: The Expansion of the Kingdom - 6 August 2023



This week Phil brings a message on expanding our influence. Scriptures teach that God’s kingdom is constantly expanding. “Of the increase of His government and peace, there shall be no end.” (Isaiah 9:7) Everything begins in seed form but grows and expands. Jesus told parables to teach us this principle. We are all called to be a part of the expansion of the kingdom and to be looking for opportunities to share Jesus with others, using the gifts God has placed in our lives. We live in the tension between Jesus’ command to abide and to go. The deeper we abide, the more effective we will be when we go! The kingdom of God is within us and as the kingdom grows inside us, that expansion is expressed through the kingdom expanding in the earth. We are poised for great expansion so let’s all take our place in God’s ever expanding kingdom.