Esl In Ho Chi Minh City

Episode 38 - Look: Phrasal Verbs and Idioms



Phrasal verbs and idioms using the word "look" look like look alike look around look over look through look into look away look the other way look down on look down one's nose at look sharp look small look back never look back look after look out for someone look out for something look out look for look for trouble look forward to look up look up to look something up look someone up look someone up and down look someone in the eye (or eyes) look to the future be only looking be just looking look the part a dirty look a faraway look a blank look a come-hither look look one's age look for a needle in a haystack the devil looks after his own look on the bright side look high and low look like something the cat dragged in look like the cat that swallowed the canary look good on paper if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck Now write a story that uses at least 12 of these phrases. Here is an example for reference: Mary