Lucima Podcast

Art and Process (Part III)



Check out ( for the original post for this reaction. Read this first before listening to the podcast: This was supposed to be a podcast. I recorded it and it sounds horrible. Therefore you’ll have to suffer through the written form of the podcast. In the last podcast, I looked for some redeeming value to my perspective of “my pictures are not special”. This post is my final response to that perspective. If you’re thinking, “But you came up with that perspective?” you are correct. Basically I’m talking to myself. What else is new? This is also the written response to the podcast we had with Carey Hess and Dondee Quincena in the studio. It’s also my reaction to Tabatha being embarrassed that her pictures might reveal too much about her and my contrasting opinion that mine say nothing about me. And if it sounds like I’m talking to/about you, don’t take it personally. Honestly it’s mostly rhetorical (read: I’m talking to/about myself). You’ll understand when