Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 9:1-13



Study/review questions for this week (and remember to join us Wednesday night when we cover these!): 1) This week we looked at how the Kingdom of God comes in power through holiness, through the word of God, through love, and through Christ’s substitution. In considering these, how does God use his power, and how does it differ from how we use whatever power we have? How might we use our power differently, and thus be more like him? 2) In what ways does the presence of Moses & Elijah with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration inform what his mission is? 3) At some level, we all hunger for glory, because we were created for glory. What do we learn from this passage about the path to glory? 4) Rev. Scribner made the point that we need to regain a fear of the Lord…and have that fear calmed by the loving touch of Jesus. What would it look like to regain a fear of the Lord, and how does it differ from other fears we have? 5) There is power in love. What are some examples of times (either in your life or t