Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 8:1-21



Study/review questions for Mark 8:1-21... 1) Some find it unbelievable that the disciples could be so dense as they seem to be in Mark 8. This ignores the fact that they repeatedly act in such dense ways (and so do we!). What causes such things? 2) Much like the disciples, we are at times guilty of sinful forgetfulness. What things has Christ done for you that ought to encourage you to trust and faithfulness, but you sometimes fail to apply to your life? 3) In out passage Mark 8, Jesus is moved by compassion to feed the crowd. Do you think of Jesus as being “compassionate?” How would it change your faith to spend more time meditating specifically on the compassion of Christ? 4) The miracles of Jesus are not just magic tricks, but are signs pointing to certain truths about him and his kingdom. What is it that he was demonstrating through the feeding of the five thousand and the feeding of the four thousand? 5) Jesus warns the disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod. If indeed this “leaven”