

Dr. Leighton Flowers talks about the tendencies of every group to produce "cage-stagers" and what we should do about it. Often it’s #Calvinism accused of being marked by a cage-stage (convert others at all costs) but it exists everywhere: “Cage-staggers” in any discipline are marked by a greater love for the practice than the person. Avoiding this stage only comes by means of patience and prayer. We will discuss this post on social media by Brandon Smith: Much like “cage stage” Calvinism was a danger for us excitable young/future pastors and theologians 15 years ago, I hope we are careful to avoid a cage stage theological retrieval in the next generation. Here are a few signs of cage stage theology from a former practitioner: A disdain for our spiritual and theological forbears/heroes/mentors. We are quick to critique or even slander those who came before us — those who taught us! — because we now feel we’ve moved beyond them. Relatedly, we create disciples who are also cynical of their heroes and think that