Bill Kelly Show

Trudeau expected to shuffle his cabinet, Pros & Cons of Pharmacists prescribing patients & The FIFA Women's World Cup is underway!



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: Justin Trudeau’s newly shuffled front bench is expected to hold its summer retreat on Aug. 21-23 in Charlottetown, P.E.I., according to several Liberal sources. GUEST: Muhammad Ali, Vice President with Crestview Strategies - Now that pharmacists can prescribe, what are some of the pros and cons? And can we tell if it’s helping with backlogs? GUEST: Matt Gurney, Columnist for TVO - Canada looked relaxed at training Wednesday ahead of its FIFA Women's World Cup opener against Nigeria, although several players appeared to be working at their own pace. Midfielder Jessie Fleming was mostly a spectator in the portion of the morning practice open to the media at a local soccer club. And forwards Deanne Rose and Nichelle Prince, who are both returning from Achilles injuries, worked out on their own under the direction of a trainer. GUEST: Joe Callaghan, Journalist for The Toronto Star, The Guardian, and The Irish Examiner