Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Secrets To Unlocking The Power Of Rare Reflector Energy | Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you know how to communicate with a Human Design Reflector energy type? These extraordinary beings are as rare as spotting a unicorn on your front lawn, and their unique energy can be challenging to understand and work with. Human Design Reflectors have every center in their chart open, and they gain their definition from astrological transits and the people around them. While Reflectors are valuable team members, as they can sense the physical and metaphysical health of people, places, and things, they need a whole lunar cycle (28 days) to feel into a choice or decision, and they must be invited to participate in group settings to do their insightful and earth-changing work. That can be very difficult for the world at large to have the patience to interact with, Reflectors have been rushed and pushed their whole lives. In this masterclass, you'll discover how to give Reflectors the time and space they need to share their valuable insights and participate in a way th