Gay Mystery Authors

Laury A. Egan Sees Writing As Serious Business



Ep: 128 Laury A. Egan, and Brad Shreve discuss the diversity in the type of stories she writes, her passion for the visual arts, writing both psychological suspense and humor, and being a humanist.  she doesn't write a series, and her latest novel Doublecrossed. Podcast Website:   www.queerwritersofcrime.comCheck out Queer Writers of Crime Guest's blog: cover the cost of producing Queer Writers of Crime, some of the links below are affiliate links. At zero cost to you, Brad will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.Get a Kindle Paperwhite: by Laury A. Egan's website:'s Blog: A. Egan is the author of (fiction) Wave in D Minor, Doublecrossed, Turnabout, The Swimmer, A Bittersweet Tale, The Ungodly Hour, The Outcast Oracle, Fog and Other Stories, Jenny Kidd, and Fabulo