Gay Mystery Authors

Timothy Jay Smith: A Thriller Writers Thrilling Life



Ep:  134 Timothy Jay Smith, author of Fire on the Island and The Fourth Courier, began working on social issues in the 1970s, with a focus on poverty. His career took him to thirty-three countries where he encountered polish cops, Greek fishermen,  wanna-be terrorists,  indian chiefs, child prostitutes, mercenaries, and arms dealers.  He shares his incredible history and how he worked many of his real-life experiences into his novels. Podcast Website:   www.queerwritersofcrime.comCheck out the Queer Writers of Crime Guest's blog: cover the cost of producing Queer Writers of Crime, some of the links below are affiliate links. At zero cost to you, Brad will earn an affiliate commission if you click through the link and finalize a purchase.Get a Kindle Paperwhite: Jay Smith's Amazon Page;'s website:timothyjaysmith.comThe Tanzania Tree and Water Project