Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Threads, Podcast Video Studio, & AI Policy For Churches



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (05:24): What are your thoughts on Threads? Is Meta doing too much? How can churches utilize this new platform? Question #2 (20:00): Love the new podcast studio. Can you talk about the setup? Question #3 (28:28): On The Social Media Church Podcast this week, they talked about developing an AI policy similar to how you should have a social media policy. Is that something you've processed at all yet? If so, what would you include in a policy like that? Question #4 (34:36): You have mentioned that you are breaking into the world of watches! (Happy dance!)I was skeptical until you mentioned Wolf 1834 watch cases! What are you looking at Watch wise and have you made any purchases?