YA Book Chat

The Queen's Assassin



**Please note: This episode was recorded before I changed my format. Therefore, it is a bit longer than my last few episodes. But, it's packed full of goodness! So be sure to take a listen!**Join my guest Christi and I as we embark on a journey of adventure and intrigue. The Queen's Assassin is the story of Caledon Holt and Shadow of the Honey Glade. Caledon is the Hearthstone Guild's deadliest assassin and the kingdom's deadliest weapon. He is sworn to the service of Queen Lilliana, to guard and defend her kingdom, and to continue the quest his father began; to find the Dein Scrolls. Shadow has trained her whole life to be a part of the Hearthstone Guild. It's what she wants more than anything. But her mother and her aunts want her to serve the queen in the palace instead. When a surprise situation brings Caledon and Shadow together, their lives take a turn they never expected...Join Christi and I as we follow Shadow and Caledon on their quest, and watch their new relationship unfold