Pete Scribner Sermons

Mark 7:31-37



This week's study/review questions for Mark 7:31-37: 1) Many scholars suggest that Jesus spent as much as one fourth of his three years of ministry in gentile territory. What does this tell us about the breadth of his role as the Jewish Messiah, and what impact does that have on us? 2) In Mark 5:1-20, we read of the healing of a demoniac, who subsequently “went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled” (5:20). How do the events of this week’s text display about the impact of his proclamation in that region? 3) In what ways did the deaf man’s friends care for him and act as a blessing to him? How can we act as a blessing to our friends? 4) In what ways does Jesus accommodate himself to the deaf man? How has he accommodated himself to you? 5) What things has Jesus done for you? Are they worthy of sharing with others? 6) There are times when our experiences make it harder for us to believe that Jesus truly “does all things well” (v. 37). How do we