Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Christian Comments, Text Services For Church, & The Digital Exodus



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (1:49): Responding to Christian comments like "just preach the gospel!" Question #2 (7:30): We've long used connection cards at our church for people to take next steps, digitally and physically. And then other signup pages or PCO forms for people to take other steps. I love your view of next steps, and the central hub concept, I've been trying to get buy-in across the board on this and utilizing our website's main page as a central hub. Here in lies my question. I know your thoughts behind mass texting as a church, very limited if at all. What are your thoughts on engaging people through text in keywords and one-on-one follow up for next steps, all through text? Question #3 (15:45): Will there be a backlash against generative AI where people intentionally move offline? Question #4 (24:22): What are your beige flags?