Somerset House Studios

S5 Ep3: Recoding Music: Has the internet truly brought autonomy to musicians? | Feminist Internet



Has the internet truly brought autonomy to musicians?  The Internet has changed the way we make, share and listen to music. Now, more than ever, female and non binary artists should have the opportunity to be heard on their own terms. But what are the effects of algorithm led streaming sites on artist autonomy, our listening habits and the value of music? In this episode we speak to those in and around the music industry who are challenging the way we make and consume music in the age of streaming.  Contributors Liz Pelly  Liz Pelly writes about music, culture, streaming and the internet. She is a contributing editor at The Baffler, where she writes a column about how the world of music is being reshaped by the platform economy. Her byline has also recently appeared in the pages of Bitch, Frieze, and Logic Magazine. In 2018, she received a Reeperbahn Festival International Music Journalism Award for The Year's Best Work of Music Journalism. She lives in New York.  Terry Tyldesley Terry Tyldesley i