Gay Mystery Authors

Robyn Gigl: Was it Murder or Self Defense?



Ep:081 Robyn Gigl, the author of BY WAY OF SORROW, is an attorney, author and activist who has been honored by the ACLU-NJ and the NJ Pride Network for her work on behalf of the LGBTQ+ community. She has been appointed by the New Jersey Supreme Court to the Court’s Committee on Diversity Inclusion and Community Engagement, and by the Governor and Legislature to the New Jersey Transgender Equality Taskforce. She is a member of the Board of Directors of Garden State Equality, NJ’s largest LGBTQ+ Civil Rights Organization. Robyn lives in New Jersey, where she continues to practice law by day, and work on her next Erin McCabe novel by night. Fortunately, she has a very boring social life. QueerWritersOfCrime.comDonate: Buy me a Cup of CoffeeRobyn Gigl's WebsiteRobyn on TwitterRobyn on LinkedInI Hope You're Listening by Tom RyanMysteryrat's Maze PodcastBrad Shreve's WebsiteRequeered Tales.comThe three year run of Queer Writers of Crime was fantastic but no new episodes are being made. Therefore