YA Book Chat

Ember and Stone



Welcome to Season 2 of YA Book Chat!I am excited to start my second season off with a bang by featuring the first book in the Ena of Ilbrea series, Ember and Stone by Megan O'Russell. Not only that, but I am joined by Megan herself on today's episode! Join Megan and me as we talk about her fantastic book, as well as Megan's writing process, how life as an actor sometimes bleeds into her writing, and get a glimpse at Megan's other book series. A bit about Ember and Stone...After her home is reduced to ash, Ena is swallowed by a world of secrets and magic. When a stranger with sorcery in his blood gives Ena a glimpse of a life she didn't know she longed for, a beautiful future seems within reach. But we all know, nothing comes to us so easily...everything comes at a price, and that is something Ena discovers very quickly. Check out all of Megan O'Russell's books on her WEBSITECheck out Megan O'Russell on social media!InstagramFacebookHave questions on Ember and Stone? Hav