

Awe and anger are two very different feelings, and you might be wondering what either of them have to do with your love life. The answer is… much more than you think. These two emotions are very important and understanding their role in your life can help clear subtle blocks to love. Ready to learn? Tune in to this episode now.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why understanding awe and anger REALLY matters in your love life - Which of these you need to focus on - How these emotions affect your love life   WANT TO UNDERSTAND YOURSELF BETTER IN JUST 2 MINUTES?  After over 18 years of helping thousands of women find their soulmate, we’ve identified 5 different Love Patterns, each with different characteristics that can keep you from finding true love.   Learn what YOUR Love Pattern is, and what you can do about it, by taking our free 2-minute quiz. Just go to to discover your Love Pattern and start turning your love life around ASAP.   ----   DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please le