Brand Yourself

230: Choosing Not to Scale Your Business



Today, I dive into a topic that isn’t often discussed in the world of entrepreneurship and that is – choosing NOT to scale your business. If you’re thinking…“What??? Who doesn’t want to scale and make more money?” This is definitely a perspective worth listening to, I promise. And if you’re thinking… “Oh, THANK GOD – I was really struggling to figure out a way to scale my business.” This is 100% for you. Inside, you’ll hear what scaling actually means and why it’s not for everyone, my scaling goals and thought process and why I chose not to pursue it, and more. I also give you the scoop on YWB, my business mentorship program – which I’m only running once this year, starting in August. To learn more and apply, visit   To submit your question, visit the show notes.   Follow Me On: Facebook Instagram