Bill Ward Audio Diary

Audio Diary #14 - Jun 3, 2006



In the June 2006 edition of his diary, Bill talks at length about a few topics: * Updates on his radio show on what's coming, including some music from LunarMile; the band fronted by Toni-Marie Iommi * Update on his column for Hails and Horns magazine * Updates on Beyond Aston, uncluding some track specifics. One is named "Where You Are Is Not Forever". Bill does play drums on one song, that being "Poppies". * Working on creating Beyond Aston from a technical and drumming aspect as well as going into some heavy detail on drumming issues. * Bill's attempts at staying fit * Talks about a summer garage sale he's planning on selling some memorabilia off, and some special items that will be going on ebay. (Details on this will be posted in the next day or so). * Talks briefly about Straws (which will is also on sale under the garage sale).