Westminster Abbey Podcasts

Abbeycast: The Rewards of Hospitality - A podcast for Third Sunday after Trinity



The Rule of St Benedict tells us to offer hospitality as if we were entertaining Christ. Recorded in the monastic ‘Cellarium’, which is now a café, this podcast considers themes of welcome and hospitality, as lockdown begins to ease, and places of hospitality begin to re-open. But what do we gain by being hospitable to one another? Perhaps, quite literally, everything. A 20-minute service of prayers, reading, address, music and blessing recorded this week. Introduced by the Dean of Westminster, The Very Reverend Dr David Hoyle   Address by The Reverend Mark Birch, Minor Canon and Precentor Reader: Major General Christopher Ghika, General Officer Commanding London District and Major General Commanding the Household Division   Introduction: The Dean Reading: Matthew 10: 40-42 Major General Christopher Ghika Address: The Reverend Mark Birch Anthem: Sir William Harris Strengthen ye thy weak hands Prayers and Blessing: The Dean   Music: Performed by the Choir of Westminster Abbey conducted by James O’Donnell (