Pro Church Podcast With Brady Shearer

Church Phone Photography, Setting Expectations, & Keeping Your Sanity As A Busy Adult



Send in your question via text to 1-800-485-3139. Question #1 (02:32): I need a pros and cons list, church photos taken on cell phones vs. professional photos. Question #2 (13:50): How do you help church leadership understand how long it takes to do good video work for the church (or other marketing work) that they maybe have never done before, so they have no concept of how long it should take or how many people it would take to produce it and do it well? Question #3 (24:55): Both of you (Brady and Alex) have many interests and irons in the fire, both in business and personally. Whether it's designing website software, starting new services like SocialSermons, photography, forest foraging, hunting, coffee, sports, fragrances, etc etc, you are also both married and have kids, and Alex pastors on the side. How do you guys stay sane? I know Alex talked recently about reclaiming a Sabbath, and I wondered how this may factor into that larger topic, as someone also has many varied interests, but is wondering if I'