You May Contribute A Verse

The Many Glittery Layers of Drag Story Hour with Jonathan Hamlin



I’m Brenna Jeanneret, children’s lit author, mother, rock climber, outdoors person, and podcaster joined by Josh Monken, children’s lit author, father, science communicator, and podcaster. Josh and I have embarked on this kidlit journey together this year, having become critique partners early in the year, only to find that our powers combined could make captain planet. Maybe not, but at least our powers combined can make a pretty good podcast. But we couldn’t do it without the behind-the-scenes wizardry from Jon Seymour. Our guest for this conversation was Jonathan Hamlin. You can find Jonathan and Drag Story Time on Twitter. This episode’s book reviews: DON’T EAT BEES by Dev Petty illustrated by Mike Boldt. ALL THE BEATING HEARTS by Julie Fogliano and illustrated by Catia Chien. MISS RITA, MYSTERY READER by Sam Donovan and Kristen Wixted illustrated by Violet Tobacco. The artwork for You May Contribute a Verse features our new quokka mascot, Versey, and was generously created by the great Maddie Frost! Find