Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

The Wisdom of Confession and the Shenpa of Guilt (Link #658)



Speaker: Jen Kern. Jen reflects on how we can liberate ourselves from shenpa--the raw, uncomfortable energy of self-clinging---by engaging fully and deeply in the practice of confession. The Lojong teachings encourage us to work on our strongest reactions first. To do so, we have to recognize and reflect on our shenpa, resolve to overcome it, and confess it in the presence of the Three Jewels. Although we might resist confessing because we fear the shame and guilt that may accompany it, we can overcome this fear by recognizing that shenpa, too, is impermanent; it is merely the expression of ego itself. We do not have to be critical of our emotions. Acknowledging this frees us to confess deeply and without self-aggression, cleansing our hearts and allowing bodhicitta to increase.