Father And Joe

Father and Joe E311: What the Gospels Presume, and Why Some Things Are Revealed



In this episode of Father and Joe, titled "What the Gospels Presume, and Why Some Things Are Revealed," Father and Joe explore the nature of the Gospels and why certain details are included while others are not. They begin by discussing whether Mary was with Jesus throughout His ministry, examining different perspectives on this topic.The conversation then turns to the individuals who accompanied Jesus and helped finance His ministry, shedding light on the various supporters and disciples who played a role in His mission.Father addresses the question of why God doesn't tell us every detail, highlighting the importance of faith and trust in God's plan. He explains that God reveals what is necessary for our salvation and spiritual growth, and that some details are left out to encourage us to seek understanding and engage in intellectual curiosity about the Bible.The episode emphasizes the need to approach reading the Gospels with an open and curious mind. Father and Joe discuss what the Gosp