Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 162: Deborah Eden Tull



On the necessary redefinition and reconnection to darkness as the medicine of compassion, and how our embrace of the unknown can change the world. 0:42 Introducing Deborah Eden Tull, Luminous Darkness, @mindfullivingrevolution 4:00 Luminous Darkness: An Engaged Buddhist Approach to Embracing the Unknown; Redefining Darkness 6:30 Journey into ‘Endarkenment’; 5 Aspects of Embodied Meditation and Spirituality 9:00 Through what perception lens am I perceiving right now? Original consciousness – consciousness free of the perception lens of overlay. Fixation with light -> fixation with rational mind. 11:45 Recognizing darkness as a great teacher of deep listening. The biases we carry. 14:15 Deeply questioning and examining our biases. Biases valuing light over dark. Understanding ‘fertile’ darkness. 16:15 Going through grief in a culture of sun shining. Learning to look within and reckoning with traumas. 18:15 Welcoming the full spectrum of light and dark in meditation. Waking up to the vitality and sacred teachi