American Monetary Association

445: Weekly Housing Inventory Changes, Mortgage Rates, Mike Simonsen Altos Research



Jason also welcomes Mike Simonsen of Altos Research as they discuss the factors that keep people from selling their homes and how federal and tax policies contribute to the shortage in housing inventory! Moreover, these factors create more upward pressure on rents! For more detailed information on the charts discussed in the show, visit Key Takeaways: 0:28 Introducing Mike Simonsen of Altos Research 1:20 Mike’s macro view and insights on the current housing market 4:20 There will be sellers who won’t be selling above the 5.5% mortgage rate 6:00 Factors that keep a lid on inventory for a long time- including fed and tax policies  10:20 Creating more upward pressure on rents 12:00 Total inventory home for sale – US Single Family 14:15 What is the chart not telling us? 17:32 Buyers have stopped buying especially at the 5% threshold 20:06 Median homes list prices – US Single Family 22:00 Where these pricing data come from and the median price on new listings 23:37 Possibility of larger homes no