Atheist Republic News

Atheist Republic News - March 3 2018 - Sargon Ban, Mashal Khan case...



Sargon of Akkad has been banned from accessing his YouTube account along with several other conservative hosts. Sargon explains he’s never been warned for breaking policy, so this ban was unexpected. Madeline Weld once considered a centrist with “left values”, has now been labeled by some as a right-wing radical. She discusses various topics from Trump’s election to hiring quotas for minorities, from a humanist standpoint. Women in Syria are being sexually exploited when they reach out to humanitarian groups for assistance. Their abuse was reported in 2015 but went ignored. A church in Pennsylvania caused a local elementary school to close for a day, so the members could bring their AR-15’s. Women wore white, like brides, and almost everyone wore a crown or tiara while they drank “holy wine” and had their guns blessed. As an update to last week’s news on the kidnapping of Dapchi students, no one has been rescued and over 100 girls are still missing. There have been misleading reports on this topic. Mashal