Atheist Republic News

AR News - Mar 17, 2018 - Lawmaker vs. Hawking, Egypt Against Atheists



Allie and Armin discuss the latest news on religion in the past week. Record your opinions for our podcast: Allie Jackson on Twitter Armin Navabi on Twitter: A Texas State Representative took to Twitter to gloat in the “fact” that Stephen Hawking was meeting his creator. Even with a lot of backlash from the community, the rep made a statement that God exists, and he’d be praying for the Hawking family. To celebrate International Women’s Day, the Israeli Army posted a video encouraging equal gender military enrolment. A religious group took offense to this, demanded it be removed, and it was. The complaint was that women can’t be soldiers as they are weak and it encourages them to not care for babies. A Bangladeshi sci-fi writer was stabbed in the back, and his accuser claims it was because his work was an “enemy of Islam”. He is recovering in a Hospital in Dhaka. A U.S. drone strike killed 21 people in Af