Mr. Stillman's Opus

The Psychology of Investing in the Wake of Historic Market Crashes



Have you ever wondered why you handle money the way you do? It turns out your financial behaviors can be traced back to your formative memories. Key events throughout our lives shape the way we view money. In this episode, we explore how historic market crashes have left a lasting impact on our relationship with money. We’ll also contrast them with the way more recent crises have shaped our financial views and decisions in the short term. Best of all, we’ll start it all off with a biblical example of how people have been financially scarred for hundreds of years.   Here’s some of the myths we’ll address in this episode: John provides a biblical example to show how we suffer financial scars. (1:55) How the Great Depression affected financial habits for generations. (6:37) The post-war boom made people believe big returns were commonplace. (9:20) The fallout from 2008. (13:00) Assuming everything will bounce right back after seeing what happened in 2020. (15:35)   Connect with us:  Web: https://rosewoodwealthm